Some days are better than others, but when one of your students writes you a song, you know it’s been a good day.
For the last several months, me along with Tominaga Sensei, one of the English teachers at my main high school, have been teaching an after school English class for the 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. We’ve managed to harness a couple of students from our karate circle, some from the oral communication class, and a couple of others just genuinely interested in studying English. We began near to the end of this school year. The school year in Japan is actually quite different from North American schools. The school year ends at the end of March, and the 12th grade students graduate at the beginning of the month. What’s really cool is that the 12th graders in my class who’ve just graduated are still coming to school only for this after school English class we created. One student has to drive about 30 minutes to the train station, ride the train for 45 minutes, and walk from the station to the school in order to come to our one-hour English class. She’s managed to come every time, regardless of the weather. If that’s not dedication, I don’t know what is!
Today was the last day that the 12th graders will be able to come. Next month they will all be heading off to their new universities. At the end of the class, Ryouta, one of my12th grade students, approached me with a CD in hand labeled, “Dear Joey”. He wrote me a song! Everything in the song was played, sung and synthesized by him. Very talented young fella. I’ve just listened to it, and it has to be my favorite song of all time…. mainly because its about me J… Check it out!
Here are the lyrics:
Dear Joey…
What should I talk
about with you?
While smiling a little as always.
Hey Joey…
Lower the black glasses to a nose.
You always said jokes and made me laugh.
Do you remember the hometown where
Wind of Canada blows to today?
And you are filled with tears
to see the sky of the good old town.
Hey!! You’ll write a letter….
To dear Joey
Hi Joey…
A favorite red tie
becomes you.
And the yellow shirt is the best, too.
Ya Joey…
There are a lot of questions to you.
I seem to already say goodbye.
Thank you for a lot of Christmas presents.
I was very glad.
I don’t forget it forever…
As for time that I spend with you, was short,
But was very happy.
Hey!! Let’s go to meet right now…
To Mr. Joey